Friday, November 28, 2008

merry christmas y'all

We decorated the barn today at the farm with an old wagon wheel.
What do y'all think?

Monday, November 17, 2008

is there anything cuter?

Miss G-Lou has become quite the little lady these days. She is very happy to fix up all kinds of goodies and 'feed' them to the nearest friend. One nursery volunteer remarked this week, "Georgia was just cooking up a storm this morning, and I sampled every item on the menu!"
This Cabbage Patch would agree I'm sure.

Monday, November 3, 2008

happy halloween

Just in case you need clarification, pictured above is Curious George (a very soft and cuddly monkey), the Man with the Yellow Hat, and a stowaway penguin.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More Good Times in the Backyard

Today is mini-cousin-camp day at Aunt Nancy's House. Actually, every Wednesday is when these three are free of illnesses. Here's a look at what the East Coast Cousins did this afternoon during their romp around in the backyard. See below.

Olice loves to climb this dogwood tree.

First, there's Georgia enjoying a fig.

She will eat this one up faster than you can say "fig".

Next is Red - He is just happy as can be to have the freedom to roam around in the grass on his own. And is content to watch and laugh as Georgia rides the four-wheeler.

Then there's the collision. Does this look fair? Is Aunt Nancy monitoring the situation appropriately? Don't worry. He fought back.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Too Good To Be True...

Smart little girl. Ambitious, sword-fighting brother. Having a ball in the back yard like kiddos should do. Too bad right after this picture was snapped on mommy's camera phone, smart little G-Lou toppled out of the Radio Flyer backwards. Coulda' seen that one coming, I guess.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

first ponytail

This is aunty dan posting for Nanni as she is still currently not-on-line at home. But she did send me the cutest little picture of G-Lou this morning, sporting an adorable little fountain out the top of her head. Since she wakes up a good 2 hours before her brother many days of the week, she gets some fun mommy time all to herself.
While Nanni was sending me this picture message however, brother O-man exclaimed, "That's enough callin' somebody. Just get over here!" Wowza - sounds like a certain almost-three-year-old is definitely exherting his opinion more than ever this morning! Hah, hah!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good Things

Well we are all better now, and Husband's parents (known as Nana and Papa to O-Man and G-Lou) did something very special for us yesterday. These pictures were not taken yesterday, but they get the point across.

Nana came to our house and picked the kiddos up when they woke up yesterday. She took them home and took care of them ALL day. When Husband got home from work, he and I went on a date (to Anita's in Simpsonville which is really really good just in case you were wondering). When we got home, G-Lou was already in bed and O-man was all ready to go to bed. It was such a sweet thing for them to do for us. Giving up a whole day is a big deal, and as a mom, getting a whole day to myself, was a gift. It recharged my batteries so to speak.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sicknesses Plaguing the Household...

This is Evelyn guest posting for Nanni as she is currently holding down the fort with a household of sick ones. R & N both caught rotavirus from O-man, who started showing the very sad symptoms late Sunday night. Miss G-lou had the vaccine, so she's spared from that one, but does have pnemonia! Please pray for all four of them as they recover hopefully soon.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Cousin Mania in the Springs

I am in Colorado visiting Erika and Shin and their five babies. I flew here with Dan Dan and her one baby. Plus my two and you've got 8 children. seven of which are two and under. We are so happy to be together. We have not all be together since October. With that joy I think we are also a bit stunned I guess at the chaos we are engulfed in. (none of our sweet husbands are here either which reiterates how badly we need them. I am so thankful for my husband who loves me and helps me.)
And this isn't even all of them...we have yet to get them all in one picture. That is how crazy this is.
I have one thing to say about these two cuties. BFF!! Ha. They are having slumber parties every night, and we keep commenting on how we think they couldn't be any more different from each other than they are.
Baby Elloree with her Aunt Dan Dan
The 2007 babes.
"The big boys" as we call them.

bedtime story anyone? the more the merrier Erika says. See how she got the boys to sit on books so they weren't all in her lap by the time the story was half way read!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Neglected Blog

So I finally started a Blog. Don't expect much though. It may get neglected quite a bit since we don't actually have Internet in our house still. But hey, at least I'll have my own account so I can comment on other people's blogs.
Husband was the inspiration for the title of our blog while my sisters have been a constant inspiration in their avid blogging habits. I do not disagree with the statement that blogging is one big narcissistic act. But here goes anyway.
Be looking for the lists of five favs Shin and Dan.