Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Neglected Blog

So I finally started a Blog. Don't expect much though. It may get neglected quite a bit since we don't actually have Internet in our house still. But hey, at least I'll have my own account so I can comment on other people's blogs.
Husband was the inspiration for the title of our blog while my sisters have been a constant inspiration in their avid blogging habits. I do not disagree with the statement that blogging is one big narcissistic act. But here goes anyway.
Be looking for the lists of five favs Shin and Dan.


Tootie said...

yeah, nancy! Welcome to the narcissitic world of blogging! You were already taking part in the other half of that world, which is checking up on everyone you know!

Marijke said...

Nanni......I guess from this experience the old Daddio term, "Okay listen up Gang" now has more meaning.
In your case you can substitute "Troops" for "Gang" .
Love these'll laugh like a drain when you look back on this madness.
