Friday, November 28, 2008

merry christmas y'all

We decorated the barn today at the farm with an old wagon wheel.
What do y'all think?


Marijke said...

Splendid - reminds me a bit of the walk-thru wreath we had at the old house for so many years. Truly both very unique forms of showing Christmas cheer.

Evelyn & Floyd said...

oh, the walk through wreath!!! Thanks for that walk down memory lane mom! I need to find some of those old pictures i think and scan them in... :)

Tootie said...

Nanni, don't let them make fun of you. I love the wagon wheel. It is on a barn after all. I don't know what the walk-thru wreath was supposed to represent on our house. It may have been better suited for a (fill in the blank here).